To relaunch the legendary Supra, after fans pleaded for almost 20 years for its return, we ran a campaign targeted at true sports car fanatics, showcasing just how good it can feel to drive the Supra.

We started with :06 Digital Videos.


Game of Horsepower: Stunt and Viral Video 

Question: what’s more fun than a game of horse between friends.

Answer: playing a game of horse in two badass Supras.

The video reached 2.4 million views on YouTube, skyrocketed website views, and received comments like “THIS VIDEO IS SO FUN IT MAKES YOU WANT TO BUY A SUPRA”,“This actually came up as an add for me....and I watched the whole thing!! XD Damn good marketing”, and my personal favorite “We DoNT WaNT OuR CARs In ILEGAL RAcING GamES.”


Animated Banners / Social Videos


Print (French Door Fold Cover for Motortrend)

And here’s how we presented the work in our All Agency Meeting. It’s not an ad but it shows some long form script chops and honestly it’s just freaking hilarious. ENJOY

Copy: Michelle Marquez

Art: Joey Landeis

CD/ACD: Jeremy Carson, Brian Frost, Jules Fox